30 April, 2008

The check is in the mail

Offtopic, but related, Victoria received an accept from her top choice college, Drew University. She is accepting this offer and expects to start as a Freshman in fall of 2009. The check for this is in the mail along with her request to defer for a year.

She plans to continue to live at home for the year and take some classes in fashion design at West Valley college and to continue working. She is also looking to travel, perhaps to Australia in this time.

We're very excited that she has accepted at Drew. Needless to say, I'm seriously relieved as this I think she will enjoy Drew and that the time away from school will just be a healthy thing. Plus, the travel should be awesome. Yay Victoria

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many congrats, Victoria!

I think it's wise to take a break before going for the big move and the 4 year school.

Recharge your batteries and go east later with renewed focus.